Saturday, 31 July 2010

I miss the Alps


So first day of my two week holiday,had a good day went up to my brother's on the GS and went round Ralph's to return some bars and talked about monster motorcycle engines [ well Ralph did i know shit about monster engines].But it was nice i like talking about bikes and i don't really talk much about bikes to anyone.
Alan text me to say he has bought a Nevel plus chair on e-bay good to know someone else is going to get very familler with their toolkit.
You may ask what am i going to do on my holiday well apart from spending a lot of time with Tracey and Owen and trying to do adult holiday pastimes i'm going to try and work out why the Glide is trying to kill me.I suppose it is trying to get even with me for all of the sick shit i have done to it over the last year or so, when i mean sick i mean sick not some modern bullshit plastic trouser, training shoe, baseballcap, hoodie, litter dropping, boom boom hatchback , zit faced hold your gun sideways , gangster, texting, get your bootie ass girlfriend to wash your crap car in her swimwear, lowlife shit sort of sick [ sic]. Ialso need to fit the new front tyre and gattors to the GS. So that should keep me busy , also have the Triumph owners next saturday which is always a nice afternoon and evening and plus hardly any arseholes turn up, you know the sort , given themselves a really cool name like spider or warlock and run around all year in a car because the bike is still in the shed due to the fact they don't have a bike license. Still i suppose i should tolerate these idiots as they make me smile as long as i don't have to talk, hear,smell,see them.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Lovely rainy sunday morning.

So finally had a weekend off man that felt good after all of the crap i had to deal with that poxy nursery.Also all three bikes are up and about and legalish, i was in a very dark place for a while could'nt get my head around the GS packing up and the headlight on the Glide was getting me down, but i fixed all the problems without much outside help[ apart from the car electrics shop with only made matters worse , still got a refund ].

Andy's friend Deb's had a party up at his place and are old club was invited and i invited along Nick, Wendy,Steve and Marie it was a good night. Infact it was my first real night out since christmas due to the lad being born and working my arse off to keep my boss in the lifestyle he has become used to. I took afew pics but to be honest i wanted to just get pissed , i believe i accomplished this.