Wednesday, 11 May 2011

scary handlebars

Went to Twekesbury at the weekend with Darren and Welsh Graham to a little show at a pub. Outside of a little thief around Glouscester i noticed that my handlebars had had enough and wished to retire.
Graham was so upset that a mile from the pub he did a very slow dismount from his bike on some clay , both bike and rider wore clay to the pub.
Rode home with my eyes glued to my bars ready for the moment they split but it never happened. So at home i had the choice of three sets of bars, original Electra Glide bars hhmm , super wide and flat bars .. oh dear or normal set from the Ironhead well here they are on the bike look ok and feel ok so hopefully they will do, do not want to part with cash at the moment for new bars.

Scary handlebars